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Visits to villages Unique, Cool, and Amazing Around The World

The village is home to the community, larger than hamlet but smaller than cities, with populations ranging from several hundred to several thousand. A village has a territory, population, and have a government, and the association has its own habits. Did you know in this world has a unique village of course different from the others.

Oradour sur Glane (France), Time Village Massacre in World War II

The rest of the village is 642 slaughter of innocent people by Hitler's elite troops, a tragedy which has gone down in history as one of the worst war crimes committed by the German army in World War II. A new village of Oradour-sur-Glane was built after the war, in the northwest of the location of the massacre, in which the remains of the ruins of the former village still stands as a memorial to the victims of the massacre.

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