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"stairway to heaven" Haiku di Oahu, Hawaii

The view is beautiful Haiku Stairs in Oahu, Hawaii. This beautiful place is often referred to as the "stairway to heaven" Unmitigated, there are 4,000 steps to the top of the Mount Haiku is shrouded cloud. Because of its shape snaking to the top of the hill, many tourists who are curious about the Haiku Stairs. In addition, invisible edges that sometimes make the curiosity of tourists getting bigger course. As quoted Amusing Planet, initially, ladder attached with hillside Haiku is made of wood and was made in 1942.

The purpose of this ladder is made to install a radio antenna between the hills. However, in 1950, it replaced the wooden stairs to iron. Then in 1987, this ladder is closed to the public. The thing that makes this place a lot of people are curious sight presented from up there. From a height of 840 meters, you can see the sights Pu'u Keahi A Kahoe of heights.
Now, local governments are being forced to open up these stairs to the reasons could be a tourist attraction. But the government has not given permission for the reason to consider the safety of visitors.

modifikaai, wikipedia

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